Dunmow Ironing Parlour

Dunmow Ironing Parlour has been in business for over 14 years and offers a variety of services to it’s customers.  What started off as a small business, using domestic machines has transformed into a fully commercial unit.  They came to us in 2017 wanting to expand their business and take on bigger contracts.  We sold them a W5180S washer and T5550 dryer both 20kg machines to enable them to commence their expansion.  To increase profits further two years later they bought an Elelectrolux Lagoon Advanced Care wet cleaning system from us as they were contracting out all dry cleaning.  They knew that by keeping everything “in house” the business would be more profitable.  The decision for Dunmow Ironing Parlour to expand has proven to be very successful and moving across to wet cleaning totally eliminates the risk of perc and is more energy efficient.

Dunmow Ironing Parlour use a variety of AGS Detergents for laundry and wet cleaning processes.  Every six months a planned maintenance visit takes place to ensure on site equipment is working at it’s optimum.