Introducing the new range of Electrolux Line 6000 machinery. Not only will it save you money, anticipate your needs it will most definatly exceed your expectations.
After intensive research and cutting-edge product development have led to an ergonomic line of washers and dryers that ensures effortless operation and exceptional savings.
Line 6000 is easier, healthier and safer the certified ergonomic design creates an outstanding user experience.
The long-term savings and outstanding productivity is next to none, it will save you money and time.
You can monitor your equipment’s status and performance from anywhere and improve your buisness.

Super Spin
High Spin
Line 6000 is designed for the lowest possible water, energy and detergent consumption. With Automatic and Integrated Savings, Intelligent Dosing and Power Balance technologies, we ensure minimum cost per load while helping you run an environmentally sustainable business.
The dryers have adaptive fans which produce high perfomance and less noise by adjusting the fan speed automatically to save energy, reduce drying time and provide an even drying result. The Heat Pump Dryers are good at saving energy, more than 60% compared to traditional dryers. The drum speed gives the best results with all fabrics from delicate silk to heavy cotton.
Please see our videos below for more information.